Dogs have had a GPS system long before we humans invented one of our own. When they are out and about and walking around they sniff at a lot of things but mostly they are sniffing out where other dogs have been. Dogs leave a scent by urinating in any given area usually on a tree, a rock, a fire hydrant if it is a city dog or just about any, preferably, upright object. A dog will sniff this scent left by a previous dog and will then leave his own. Sometimes he will try to “raise the bar” as it were by aiming higher on the tree or other vertical object as if to out do the previous canine visitor. If the dog is real smart he can pee upwards, higher than he normally would as if to suggest that he is bigger than his mark might suggest. I don’t know if this is really true but I have heard of this theory before. I keep saying “he” because I don’t know if female dogs do this and I certainly doubt that girl dogs can aim high. Dogs also seem to leave their scent in more places if they are somewhere they have never been before. I wonder if they also do this in case they need to find their way back or they are leaving a trail for others to follow, kind of like a navigation system, hence doggie GPS. Dogs can even claim the term GPS as their own. For them it stands for Good Pee Spot!!!
All photos by cameraguyd

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