Saturday, October 31, 2009

Karl Hardman Camera

In celebration of Halloween and in honor of the late Karl Hardman I am posting a picture of my Minolta 16 camera that once belonged to Karl. Mr. Hardman was a producer of mostly industrial films but was mainly known for his production and acting role in the 1968 horror classic, Night of the Living Dead.

Minolta 16 from the estate of Karl Hardman

Karl Hardman and Marilyn Eastman

Night of the Living Dead

Friday, October 30, 2009


For some reason I find myself photographing bridges of various types quite often. Maybe I just find them visually appealing or maybe they represent something more than just a photo op. I’ve also taken photographs of doors, gateways and the least frequent, windows. Maybe I don’t like to do windows! Perhaps some psychoanalysts might say these images represent a passage, a journey, the journey of life or even a fascination with a passage into the afterlife. Nevertheless, I present them here, good, bad or indifferent beginning with perhaps the smallest set, windows then doors and gateways and ending with bridges.

Me photographing a window.
Photo by Jeff Bellantuono